Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Moosetache Team 2009

The moosetaches are growing strong after the first week of Movember. We are still short a couple photos and will post an update soon!

Moosetache Matt

Moosetache Mark

Moosetache Ryan

Moosetache Graeme

Moosetache Joel


Terry said...

Well done, Moosetaches. I've heard that rubbing chicken droppings on the upper lip speeds up mo growth...

Anonymous said...

Hello Manly Moosetaches!
Woah! What a man...

Woe is the man without a mo'...

Wo (men) will swoon!
Wanted to let you know that you're all looking great! If I were still single...;)

Keep it up, i'm so proud of you :)


Unknown said...

Looking good boys!! Luisa had a great idea for how we can support you guys next year... but i'll let her share it with you! It will fit perfectly with my hubby's look which has been lovingly described as a 70's porn star :)