Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Moosetache Team 2009

The moosetaches are growing strong after the first week of Movember. We are still short a couple photos and will post an update soon!

Moosetache Matt

Moosetache Mark

Moosetache Ryan

Moosetache Graeme

Moosetache Joel

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Movember 2009

Welcome to Movember 2009 for the Great Canadian Moosetaches.

This year promises to be greater than ever as the moosetaches tackle prostate cancer. Movember, the month formally known as November, is a month where thousands of men worldwide gro' a mo'. This mo' is our offensive against prostate cancer.

More information about prostate cancer and Movember can be found at

Support the Great Canadian Moosetaches and help us raise awareness on prostate cancer.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monsieur McRae, avez-vous du Grey Poupon?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wendel: The man, the moustache

Saturday night was Wendel Clark night at the ACC, where they raised his jersey to the rafters.
This good old boy and his handlebars are an inspiration to the Great Canadian Moosestaches because he played hockey the same way we grow our facial hair: with passion.

Wendel says, "To all my little Moostachamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins, believe in yourself, and you will never go wrong."

Watcha gonna do when Wendel comes for you???

You can see a tribute to Wendel here:

Friday, November 21, 2008

Donate to your moosetache today!

Don't forget that even though it is fun to laugh at us we are doing this for a reason. We need your donations! Click on your favourite mo' and make a donation!

The first complete moose gathering

Finally we did it! We managed to get us all together in one spot. On Tuesday evening we all met at Scalliwags restaurant and bar in Toronto for dinner.

A special thanks to Scalliwags for sponsoring us. We had a great meal and a great time.

We convinced Stephen it was a good idea to eat all the fat left from his steak and raise money in the process. Our waitress Tory even put in $5 to see him do it! We haven't heard from him since.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My moose

I swear that is a moose on my shirt... I guess they got a little artistic on us. Don't focus too much on that though... check out the mo!! Day 15 and I could be sweeping the floors with the thing!